Wednesday, August 5, 2009

God's Magnificence

Last month I experienced something devestating I miscarried my second child. I was only around 5 weeks along and endured a week long bleeding and cramping session. It was far from fun and one of my greatest fears. I recently picked up where I left off in my study of Esther presented by the most fun and relatable Beth Moore. While listening to a segment on CD, I had some teachable thoughts. First was that I need to trust fully in God. Second was what Mary must've felt when Jesus was crusified on the cross. I felt pain both physically and emotionally during the miscarriage. (and still emotionally from time to time.) Yet Mary had to endure, after many years of seeing Jesus grow, seeing her son tortured beyond recognition. I'm sure she felt his pain as only a mother could. Some articles suggest that a mother starts bonding with her child as soon as she realizes that she is pregnant. I find that to be true. Although, Jesus' crusifixion and burial are very dark days, the thing we need to remember is that Jesus is alive! Can you imagine the joy that Mary felt when she realized he was alive? Those of us that have lost someone that we love (that knew God), can lean on the knowledge that they are in heaven with Jesus. Isn't God magnificent?!